Monday, May 4, 2009

Images of Milan

Milano Centrale: The gateway to Milan! Their central train station.

Cars, trams, motorbikes and bicycles.

The metros, either empty or super full!

Rawr buildings..

It's cold on some days..

Vongole clam-sy yummy spaghetti. This is the real deal!

Now i know where Bugis got their idea..

The Duomo on a rainy day.

and of course, what's Milan without A.C. Milan and Inter? The San Siro! Home of Italian football.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


The best! The best Tiramisu ever!!

Our last Gelato. Sobbz...

Milan Design Week

Well. The main reason why I stayed on and not go home was to visit the very famous Milan Design Week. The entire city turned into a work of art. Shops turned into tiny museums and galleries. And all this coincides with the annual Salone Internazionle De Mobile(Mo-bee-leh: furniture). The great furniture design fair. Designers from all over descend in Milan during the week.. SM Goh Chok Tong was there too!

But sadly, i cannot show you pictures from the fair because Andrea fried her CF card. bleh! Nonetheless, that's just a tiny part of entire Milan. There are other way more interesting stuff..

Italy, home to great looking furniture and lighting. Kartell, Flos, Artemide etc. And the city has many of these showrooms. Bigg and Nicee!

Great book shops too.. 10 Corso Como. Very rare books sometimes. Also, saw some prominent Singapore designers here.

Street art.

We spent an entire afternoon at Zona Tortona. A small area in Milan cordoned off and turned into galleries. I havent been here before, but it sure looks like it was turned upside down.

Garages are galleries too you see. Smart conceptual designs here. These are... err.. thinking....... Belgium! yes.

Remember. This is a garage where cars are parked and fixed. Belongs to Lotus, if i'm not wrong.

Houses on top, galleries down below.

Left: Me, Right: Her.
At the end of every trip, we return with many brochures flyers and free stuff.. All worth keeping.

A photo i took in Mr. Achilles Castiglioni's studio apartment turned into a museum. (not supposed to take photos in there) This place highly recommended by Mr. K. And we totally enjoyed it.

Design around the city.. Everywhere!! ARGH!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's time for Venice!

Yay! It's Venice..
The Italians call it Venezia, in english, it's Venice.

Thoughout the trip, Venice is the bestest place! No.1. I think it's very very unique. No where on earth can you find a city like this one. So, before you go to heaven, please visit it.

So yea! We left for Venice on a day trip. The island is so small that 1 day is enough to cover the area. We returned to Milan after that on a choo choo train.

Yes! So this is Venice! surrounded by water, alleys are both walkways and waterways. very narrow. There are no such things as cars here. No cars..

Typical houses on the island.

Parking lots..

Rialto Market. A bustling area with lots of craft shops, smelly seafood markets push-cart shops. The widest canal on the left. Grande Canal. I think it's like the expressway.. hahha.

Gondolas under wraps.

Mode of transport. Most of the boats look like that. Privately owned. See the swirly piles behind? Tie your boats there..

Andrea on the water-bus.

Bow of the Gondola facing the central part of Venice, it's at the Grande Canal's mouth. Huge! Grand, as the word says and really loevly. It's romantic!

Btw, Gondola rides are 100€. Student price 80€.

one of the many Basilicas in Venice. Massive marble pillars.

Many pigeons, of course..

A Gondolier singing away in the narrow alleys. It's echos all around and make you feel so loved.

I love Venice the most!!